Baška je najpoznatije turističko središte na otoku Krku, najvećem otoku na Jadranu, koji je svojim položajem najbliži srednjoj Europi. Položaj Baške omogućio je mjestu neprekidni razvoj i prosperitet, a u današnje vrijeme i prepoznatljivost u turističkom okruženju, te je Baška jedna od najpoželjnijih turističkih destinacija hrvatskog Jadrana. Smještena u pitomoj dolini, u zaljevu okružena vinogradima, maslinicima, brnistrom, sa slikovitom pozadinom krševite planine Velebita i otoka Prvića, koji kao da štite sa svih strana jedinstvenu šljunčanu plažu dugu 1800 m, za koju s pravom kažu da je jedna od najljepših na Jadranu.
Baška is the best known tourist resort on the island of Krk, the Adriatic’s biggest island. Krk’s position in the northern part of the Croatian Adriatic makes it the closest island to Central Europe. Baška’s favourable location has ensured its continuous growth and prosperity, as well as a distinctive place on the tourist scene, making the town one of the most popular tourist destinations on the Adriatic. The town is located in a gentle valley and in a bay surrounded by vineyards, olive groves and flowering broom, with a picturesque background of the rocky mountains of Velebit and the islet of Prvić, which seem to shelter its unique 1800 m long pebbly beach, justly said to be one of the loveliest in the Adriatic.
Jedan od 1185 otoka u Hrvatskoj, a ujedno i najveći je i otok Krk. Smješten u središtu Kvarnerskog zaljeva, prepoznat je kao jedno od najatraktivnijih turističkih odredišta. Blaga mediteranska klima, povoljan zemljopisnipoložaj te raznolikost prirodnih i kulturnih ljepota, još su mu u antici odredili naziv „zlatni otok“. Kulturološko nasljeđe priskrbilo mu je još jedan naziv - kolijevka hrvatske kulture, a posebice zbog Bašćanske ploče. Bašćanska ploča je starohrvatski spomenik, pisan glagoljicom otprilike 1100. godine, a pronađena je 15. rujna 1851. u crkvi sv. Lucije u Jurandvoru kod Baške na otoku Krku. Ta ploča ima i povijesno značenje zbog prvog spominjanja vladareva imena na narodnome jeziku - kralj Zvonimir. Kroz otok prolazi 45. paralela, najduži mu je dio 38, a najširi oko 20 kilometara. Obala je duga oko 190 km. Najbliže udaljeno kopno je svega stotinjak metara, a susjedni su mu otoci Cres, Goli i Rab; pripada mu i više otočića (najveći Plavnik ima 17 km, a manji Školjić samo 400 m obale); ima neobično raznolik reljef, penjući se od sjeverozapada prema jugoistoku - od slikovitih pitomih draga i uvala preko plodnih polja i gustih šuma sa submediteranskom vegetacijom, do predjela golog krša i pravog planinskog krajolika. Na Krku su tri potoka i dva jezera.
Krk is largest amongst the 1185 Croatian islands. Located in the centre of Kvarner bay, it is considered one of the most attractive tourist destinations. Its mild mediterranean climate, good geographical position and variety of natural and cultural beauties gave it, even in ancient times, the name "golden island". Its cultural heritage has given it another name – the cradle of Croatian culture, mostly because of "Baška tablet". "Baška tablet" is one of the first monuments containing an inscription in "glagoljica" (old Croatian writing) written about 1100. and found 15.09.1851. in the church of St. Lucia in Jurandvor near Baška. Tablet has a great significance because for the first time the name of the Croatian sovereign - king Zvonimir - was mentioned in Croatian instead of Latin.The 45th parallel passes through the island, whilst its longest part is 38 km and its widest 20 km long. Its coast is around 190 km long. The closest mainland is only about a hundred metres away and its neighbouring islands are islands of Cres, Goli and Rab; a few smaller islands also pertain to it (the largest being Plavnik, which has 17 km of coast, and the smaller Školjić with just 400 m of coast); it has an unusual and varied relief, climbing from the north-western part to the south-eastern part – from picturesque gentle coves and lagoons, along fertile fields and dense forests with sub-mediterranean vegetation, to the parts of bare limestone and real mountain landscape. On the island of Krk there are three streams and two lakes.
Na najvišem planinskom vrhu, Obzovi (570 m), posjetitelj zaboravlja da se nalazi na otoku. Tu je i više svojevrsnih fenomena – npr. krčka flora sadrži oko 1400 vrsta kopnenog bilja, gotovo polovicu ukupne flore u Hrvatskoj. Jedinstvena biljka „Barbašova lazarkinja“ svjetski je raritet, raste na svijetu jedino u bašćanskoj uvali. I u fauni ima rariteta, vrste ptica npr. kreću se od orlova/ supova, do orijentalnog stepskog „vrškog tića“. Cijelom tom kompleksnom kontrastu prirodnih osobina treba pribrojiti i mediteransku klimu - topla ljeta i blage zime, hladni kopneni vjetar sa sjeveroistoka-buru i vlažni jugo, te ljetni ugodni zapadnjak-maestral. Doslovno svi putovi vode na Krk: s kopna – preko Krčkog mosta; s mora - brodovima u luke ili lučice, te trajektima u pristanište Valbiska, iz zraka - avionom u zračnu luku Rijeka kod Omišlja. Samo je 30 kilometara otok Krk udaljen od grada Rijeke - prometnog, poslovnog, trgovačkog, sveučilišnog i kulturnog središta Kvarnera. Bez obzira koji put odabrali, dolaskom na otok Krk, uvjerit ćete se da zlatni otok odlikuje jedinstvo raznolikost i- spoj sadašnjosti i prošlosti, suvremenosti i arhaičnosti, legende i stvarnosti.
On the highest mountain top, Obzova (570 m), visitors may forget that they are actually on an island. Here some very specific phenomena can be found – such as the flora in Krk which includes around 1400 species of land plants, which are almost half of the total in Croatia. Its unique plant the “Barbašova lazarkinja” is one of the world's rarities and it only grows in the Baška lagoon. Amongst its fauna, we can count rare species too, bird species, for example, vary from eagles/vultures to the oriental steppe "vrški tić". To all this complex contrast of natural characteristics we should add a mediterranean climate – hot summers and mild winters, a cold continental wind that blows from the north-east-the bura and the humid jugo, and a pleasant summer wind, the maestral that blows from the west.Literally all roads lead to the island of Krk: from the land – over the Krk bridge; from the sea – by boats into the ports or small marinas, and by ferry to the Valbiska harbour, from the air – by plane to Rijeka airport which is located close to Omišalj. The island of Krk is just 30 kilometres away from the city of Rijeka – which is the traffic, business, commercial, university and cultural centre of Kvarner. No matter which road you choose, on your arrival to the island of Krk, you will certainly find that the golden island has been honoured with the uniqueness of variety – and is a connection between present and past, modernity and the antiquated, legend and reality.
Od davnina se vjeruje kako je otok Krk sudbinski povezan s brojkom sedam: u sedmom su ga stoljeću naselili Hrvati, sedam se puta uspješno obranio od gusara, sedmi po redu knez Frankopan, bio je posljednji krčki knez. Danas otok Krk ima sedam središta. Otkrijte naš otok - upoznajte njegove čari i bogatstva u svako godišnje doba: prokrstarite njegovim prelijepim raznolikim mjestima, posjetite tisućljetne spomenike, muzeje i galerije. Udahnite zdravlje pješačeći romantičnim šetnicama uz more ili divljim pastirskim stazama kamenjara. Uživajte u čarobnim okusima krčke kuhinje i suptilnom domaćem vinu. Iskoristite boravak za užitke koje vam pruža cijeli otok u punini svoje bogate i raznovrsne smještajne, turističke i ugostiteljske ponude.
Since ancient times it is believed that the destiny of the island of Krk is connected to the number seven: it was inhabited by the Croatian people in the 7th century, it has survived attacks by pirates seven times, the seventh nobleman from the Frankopan family was the last Prince of Krk. Today the island of Krk has seven centres. Discover our island – uncover its charms and treasures in every season: cruise through its beautiful and varied landscapes, visit its thousand year-old monuments, museums and galleries. Breathe in the feeling of wellbeing whilst walking along the romantic pathways by the sea or along the wild shepherd's rock paths. Enjoy the magical tastes of Krk cuisine and delightful home-made wine. Take advantage of your stay by enjoying the delights the entire island is offers in the solidity of its rich and varied accommodation, and tourist and catering offer.