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Staza je posvećena glagoljici (slavenskom pismu nastalom oko sredine 11. stoljeća) i svim glagoljašima kroz našu povijest. Ona je hrvatska povijesna prostorna početnica sa slovima od A (az) do Ω (omega). Svrha joj je da u Bašćanskoj dolini, kraju gdje je otkriven najstariji dokument hrvatske državnosti iz 1100. godine (Bašćanska ploča), podigne spomenik trajne vrijednosti koji će sve posjetitelje ovog područja uputiti u povijesno-kulturološke značajke i vrijednosti kraja te povijest hrvatske državnosti.


Kroz ovaj projekt oblikuje se staza od kamenih skulptura koja se proteže od prijevoja Treskavac, pa sve do Stare rive u bašćanskoj luci. Staza nije pravocrtna, već su skulpture razmještene uz važne kulturne i povijesne točke ili važna prirodna područja. Ima ih ukupno 34, s uklesanim glagoljskim slovima; 4 većih dimenzija, djelo akademskog kipara Ljube De Karine i 30 skulptura manjih dimenzija, koje su nastale tijekom kiparskih radionica.


Sve skulpture označene su mjedenim pločicama. Na tim oznakama u podnožju skulptura  istaknut je tradicionalni naziv položaja skulpture, ime autora, latinični prijevod slova, oznaka za slijepe i ime donatora. Projekt je  pokrenut na inicijativu društva “Sinjali” iz Baške.






The Baška Glagolitic Path (BGP) is a vast project, the purpose of which was to erect a monument of permanent value in the Baška valley. This is the place where the Baška Tablet (written in glagolitic letters, developed around the middle of 11th century), the first national document in Croatian history, was found. This is where the Glagolitic alphabet was in use and the culture was rich for centuries in the past. The monument leads visitors of the area to historical and cultural interests and landmarks.


The project forms a path marked by stone sculptures, starting from the mountain pass of Treskavac, the entrance to the valley, and ending at the coast in Baška’s harbour Stara Riva (Old Pier). It consists of 34 stone statues displaying the individual letters of the Glagolitic alphabet. Four large sculptures were created by the academic sculptor Ljubo De Karina and the remaining 30 smaller statues were created in art workshops in Baška. These workshops were led and mentored by Mr. De Karina, who is also the artistic supervisor of the whole BGP project.


The creation of The Baška Glagolitic Path was of utmost importance to the whole of Croatia.  Many cities gave donations to the project and participated to be given the opportunity to sign the statues.  Because of the importance of the Glagolitic culture and The Baška Tablet for Croatian history and culture, the project was enabled by direct contributions from individuals and institutions from Croatia and other countries. The original idea and implementation of this project was led by the Sinjali Society of Baška, a society for the promotion of culture, tradition and ecology.


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